Read Our Summer/Fall Newsletter!
Our Summer/Fall 2018 edition of Paw Print is now available to read online!

A Special Story on Easton’s Journey to his Forever Home
Written by GSSH volunteer and foster mom, Meaghan Doering

Check Out Our Fall/Winter Newsletter
Our Fall/Winter 2017 edition of Paw Print is now available to read online!

Our Spring/Summer Newsletter is Here!
Our Spring/Summer 2017 edition of Paw Print is now available to read online!

Read Our Fall/Winter Newsletter!
Our Fall/Winter 2016 edition of Paw Print is now available to read online!

Our Summer Newsletter is out!
Our Summer 2016 edition of Paw Print is now available to read online!

Yoga for a Cause!
Whole Foods Market Brea and CorePower Yoga is hosting Yoga for a Cause on Sunday, May 29 at 9am prior to our Showcase Event. The event will take place on the lawn by Whole Foods. It costs $10 to participate and all proceeds benefit our rescue!

Read Our Winter Newsletter!
Our Winter 2016 edition of Paw Print is now available to read online!

Bill & Carol Miller
Bill and Carol Miller have been fostering Ellie Mae, our senior dog, since April 2015. They first heard about German Shepherd Save Haven while visiting our booth at the Great Park Farmers’ Market in Irvine a year ago.

Goodbye To A Dear Friend
We lost a very dear friend and family member this past Christmas. Carole “Mo” Roberts was a wonderful person with a big heart for animals. She worked tirelessly and did everything within her power to make a profound, positive difference in the lives of the animals in her community and beyond.

Jami’s Christmas Puppies
German Shepherd Safe Haven rescued Jami and Jill from the Devore Animal Shelter on Sunday, December 13th. They were both taken to South Orange County Animal Hospital for an examination and a bath. After they both underwent ultrasounds, it was discovered that Jami was pregnant with puppies due in less than 2 weeks!

Our Fall Newsletter is Here!
Our Fall 2015 edition of Paw Print is now available to read online!

Ireland’s Family
Hi there! I’m Ireland, the dog who was saved from the shelter the day I was to be euthanized. My soon-to-be foster dad, Tom, was visiting the shelter when he was approached by the shelter’s director and told that they were completely full and had three German Shepherds scheduled to be euthanized that night!

Penny’s Family
Hi, my name is Penny, I hope you remember me. My sister and I were strays together until we wound up at the Downey shelter, boy that sure can be a scary place. I was hoping that I would not die in there. Lucky for me, one day a kind gentleman came to look at me and I just knew that he wanted to take me home!

2015 Top Rated Nonprofit Award
We have received the 2015 Top Rated Nonprofit award from Greatnonprofits! This is the fourth year in a row that we have received this award. Thank you to our forever families, volunteers and supporters for helping us achieve this!

Read Our Summer Newsletter!
Our Summer 2015 edition of Paw Print is now available to read online!

German Shepherd Safe Haven Family Picnic 2015
We had our 4th annual Family Picnic on June 28, 2015. As always, we had fun for everyone – games, contests and raffles. It was wonderful seeing so many of our forever families and GSSH alumni!