Donation Information


We are an all-volunteer organization so we rely entirely on public interest and support to continue our mission of rescuing German Shepherd dogs and finding them loving, permanent homes. Below are ways you can help us continue our life-saving mission.

All contributions support our dogs and are tax-deductible, as allowed by law. German Shepherd Safe Haven’s tax ID is 27-2643983. We will provide a donation receipt for your tax records. We do not share information about our donors with any other group or organization.

If you have questions about making donations, please visit our Donations FAQs or you may email

We appreciate your generous support!

Monetary Donations & Recurring Donations

For your convenience, you can make a credit card donation using Paypal. Please note, you do not have to have a Paypal account to use Paypal. Click the button below to make a donation using your credit or debit card.

If you would like to make a recurring donation, once you click the button above, in the donation screen, check the “Make this a monthly donation” box to set up a recurring donation. Please note for this option, you do need to have a Paypal account.

If you would like to mail a check, please make the check payable to German Shepherd Safe Haven and send to:

German Shepherd Safe Haven, Inc.

30251 Golden Lantern, Suite E #332

Laguna Niguel, CA 92677

Donate In Remembrance

A great way to support our rescue is by making a donation in memory of a special loved one. If you make a minimum donation of $25, we will include a photo and special message on the Tributes page on our website.

When you click the button above to make a donation, choose the In Remembrance Donation option in the drop down menu. Once you complete your donation, please email us at with the photo and message you would like included on our Tributes page.

Gifts In Kind

We are always in need of various items for our dogs such as crates, crate pads, dog beds, collars, leashes, and grooming supplies. All donations are tax deductible. If you would like to donate items to our organization, feel free to bark or text to 949.363.5254 or email us to arrange a pickup/drop off time.